1. Knowledge Base
  2. Linking Social Media Accounts

Linkedin Super Admin Settings

In order to link your LinkedIn Business Page to Cloud Campaign you must use a login with Super Admin access.

To verify your login access status, log in to the Linkedin account you want to link. Click on Me on the top of the page, then click on the company page listed that you want to link.

On the top of the page, it will display the access level the login has access to

If the login shows a different view besides Super Admin, have the page owner switch the access level to Super Admin

To verify the account is connected properly linked to Cloud Campaign:

Click on Me at the top of the page, and then click on Settings and Privacy

Then on the next page click on Data Privacy

On the Data Privacy page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Permitted Services

On the Permitted Service screen, you should see Cloud Campaign listed on the Permitted services listed, as shown below.

If you do not see Cloud Campaign listed, it is not linked to the account. If you are having issues with the Linkedin account not posting, try unlinking the account, and then re-link it.
If you continue to have posting or connection issues, please contact our support via Chat or by email: support@cloudcampaign.com